About Me

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I am going to use this blog as a creative outlet, since I finished my Masters, I've been craving something. Plus I do love to write, and above all I love to get annoyed about the little things. Often I find these terribly amusing (perhaps literally!), so I'd like to think I might share a little joy as well. Born and bred in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire and no, I am not a northerner, I am from the midlands. If there were three food substances to describe me, they would be Tea, Gin and Baked Beans. I do not credit crunch on any of these things. I like to wear flowers, animal hats with ears and clothes that don't match. I like to voice my opinions, I like to learn things and then insert my facts seamlessly into conversation. I like to compare soap opera senarios to classic literature. Usually whilst shouting at the TV.

Thursday 23 April 2009

Jade Goody; The Musical. Enough said.

Before I start my rant on this; I'd just like to point out that the illness and death of Jade Goody was incredibly sad. It is sad that any young mother should die and leave behind her young children. Also, there is something to be said for the increased awareness the media frenzy has given to Cevical Cancer in young women & Jade raised money to support her children, as any mother would.


Jade Goody the Musical? What on earth is that about? What is it going to be about? In the article on BBC News it said that the play was going to reflect Jade as an 'ordinary' girl and the actress that plays her also needs to be ordinary. For a start, there has never been a character in any play, film or novel that has been ordinary. Nobody wants to go and see an oridinary story, people get ordinary in their everyday lives. What else is this musical going to be about? Because as far as I can tell, Jade Goody was basically the victim or product of the bizarre and quite frankly morally corrupt media (but I suppose dues must be given to her for taking advantage of this), who before she got cancer branded her as a talentless, waste of space, common, stupid racist bigot. It seemed that as soon as she was diagnosed with cancer, the press suddenly changed tact; hailing her as the hero of the 'ordinary folk'; or as I think someone called her (loosely) Princess Diana from Essex.

For starters, Princess Diana did a lot of good things for the world and society, where as Jade shows society all of its worse flaws. Even though both women were wrongly treated by the media, I think the similarity ends here. The fact is that noone thought about Jade Goody in any sort of positive light before there was a potential tragic angle and a sadness; should we look back so fondly on a person who was so racist, so awful in both depictions of her in Big Brother, who was just famous because the press hounded her... Did she have to live out her struggle with cancer so relentlessly in the public eye? I know it was to raise money for her boys and that she was exploiting a system for this purpose and I suppose although I could never understand how she could have undergone all that publicity during the lowest and most disabilitating weeks of her life, I can understand she was just milking the system she found herself in.

But I think this whole thing has gone beyond this. Jade Goody books in pictures now? Jade's last wish articles? Jade Goody reality TV shows documenting her last days? Jade Goody the musical? Do we need all this? Surely the first thing that should be done is to set up a charity for cervical cancer in her name? Perhaps it has and I just don't know about it, and if a charity has been set up, why hasn't this been publised more than books and ridiculous documentaries and MUSICALS? Surely for a woman that noone liked before she was diagnosed with cancer (to put it bluntly) then cancer awareness is something good that Jade contributed to society surely this should be what is being focused on, rather than the view of Jade through the rose tinted view of death? At the moment, all the Jade Goody memorabilia seems to be amounted to is a media cash cow, and everyone is getting their stools in place ready to milk it.

Why didn't Jane Tomlinson get this much publicity? She spent her last year doing marathons, raising money for cancer research, she too had children but didn't use her publicity solely to raise money for her children, but to raise money to help find a cure for the disease that killed her. Surely this is a better legacy to leave and a better use of article space in newspapers...

Wednesday 22 April 2009

Presidents should not interfere with TV Shows.

There are many reasons why I believe I have created this blog. All these reasons are procrastination and I believe I am very good at finding ways through which I can convince myself that I am valuably wasting my time, as John Lennon once said "Time you enjoy wasting, is not wasted." I do enjoy writing....

I have been writing my dissertation, which I enjoyed initially but now I know how the Ancient Mariner felt with the albatross hanging around his neck. It has become my life and may be the cause of my death. I am on a break, watching House, just before I edit the final chapter of my dissertation. I want to get it bound before Friday. Anyway, a few weeks ago I joined Twitter (because a friend mentioned it on his Facebook status), which is simular to blogging I suppose but only with 120 characters. I am not a woman of few words. I love words, why use one when you can use a hundred? Twitter is still a bonus though, because it is another socially acceptable way that I can stalk Stephen Fry. When that wasn't enough for my polysyallbic ways, that same friend's facebook led me here.

On a note about House. I do like Barack Obama, for many important reasons, his rhetoric, the fact that he isn't George W, the fact that he was 'Torso of the Week' in Heat magazine. I don't like him right now because he has directly interfered with my favourite TV show. I loved Kutner and to me it makes no sense that his character would kill himself, although in reality, a job in the White House for Kal Penn makes sense... Presidents should not interfere with TV shows. No no no.