About Me

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I am going to use this blog as a creative outlet, since I finished my Masters, I've been craving something. Plus I do love to write, and above all I love to get annoyed about the little things. Often I find these terribly amusing (perhaps literally!), so I'd like to think I might share a little joy as well. Born and bred in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire and no, I am not a northerner, I am from the midlands. If there were three food substances to describe me, they would be Tea, Gin and Baked Beans. I do not credit crunch on any of these things. I like to wear flowers, animal hats with ears and clothes that don't match. I like to voice my opinions, I like to learn things and then insert my facts seamlessly into conversation. I like to compare soap opera senarios to classic literature. Usually whilst shouting at the TV.

Monday 4 October 2010

Job Search Rant. Entry Uno.

Since I have completed my Masters about... three weeks ago now proabably, I've been on the job search. And again, since I an perpetually reading about how there are no jobs out there, I thought it might be prudent, perfect and provocative and pleasing to preserve the thoughts, experiences and angst of someone applying for a job in "THE WORST ECONOMIC DOWNTURN SINCE THE GREAT DEPRESSION" etc. It serves as a creative outlet for me and as an act of outreach to people who are going through similar trials and want to rant, commeriserate and cry along with me. To quote HSM because, well why the hell wouldn't I, "We're all in this together".

The thing is though, we're not. I'm surprised at what a lonely desert of rejection this actually is, desolate, despairing and depressing. They told me as I applied for postgraduate study that was a lonely year, happily they were wrong, and I travelled or rather skipped in the merry way that mild wine intoxication inevitably result in, along the postgraduate path of dreams with likeminded friends. Now I feel very alone; applying for jobs in the evening, working in the day packing socks in my parent's warehouse (a job i'm lucky to have, don't get me wrong, and Rex the Samoan Bird King knows I need the dinero) but at the same time it is dull, monetoneous and mind numbing, and I have to listen to Mansfield 103.2 all day- but that is another rant. (I've taken to cataloguing everything that annoys me about said radio station on my twitter http://twitter.com/gemmalouiselowe .)

So I thought, whilst applying, it would be good to gain some more experience, so I applied to some local newspapers to beg some experience, offering my eyes, brain, reading skills and self for free. I was told today however, that because neither of my degrees are accredited by the society for trainee journalists or something, that I couldn't be considered for any work experience. Which felt like a massive kick in the teeth, what harm could I do as unpaid work experience, it is hardly like I have an inappropriate degree, with English Literature... and it is hardly like I've not got a brain or proven I can work hard, all I requested was the consideration for some experience. Offering myself as someone who makes tea if that's all they had, so I could experience... something. But no, I prostituted my brain and my self for free and was rejected. Damning.

I can't help feeling now that if I'm not even wanted for an unpaid piece of work experience, what chance do I have against the competition for an actual paid job...? First response as this may be, it seems the universe might be damning me slightly here...

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