About Me

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I am going to use this blog as a creative outlet, since I finished my Masters, I've been craving something. Plus I do love to write, and above all I love to get annoyed about the little things. Often I find these terribly amusing (perhaps literally!), so I'd like to think I might share a little joy as well. Born and bred in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire and no, I am not a northerner, I am from the midlands. If there were three food substances to describe me, they would be Tea, Gin and Baked Beans. I do not credit crunch on any of these things. I like to wear flowers, animal hats with ears and clothes that don't match. I like to voice my opinions, I like to learn things and then insert my facts seamlessly into conversation. I like to compare soap opera senarios to classic literature. Usually whilst shouting at the TV.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

When I'm sad, I just stop being sad and be AWESOME instead.ree

That title is a quote by Barney Stimpson from How I Met Your Mother, and not only is it pretty hilarious, I also wish that I could actually do that. Recently I've noticed that I am, ridiculously hyper-emotional. I cried today, just watching 8 Simple Rules- the ones after their Dad dies, and it is just lump in your throat sad. Also, the other week whilst I was around at someone's house, I cried nearly uncontrollably at Casper: The Friendly Ghost, I couldn't stop myself. I wonder if it is a phase... my metaphorical cup of emotion seems to forever be full to the brim, and it doesn't take much to make it overflow. And even though that metaphor is liquid based, I'm not just referring to crying, it does apply to the whole spectrum of emotions.

At the moment, of course, I'm feeling slightly down and despondant about my unemployment status, and slightly disillusioned at the whole application process- and it really does seem to be affecting every nook and cranny of myself and my life. I cheered myself up by buying some mittens, with a smiley face on the fingertip part; so that now, when I wave to people, I'm smiling at them with my mittens, I'll obviously smile too, but I thought they were cute, anyway. And waving in mittens is always an actively I find incredibly fun! Also I downloaded the entire Beatles back catalogue, and I'm happily singing along to 'She Loves You' right now.
Anyway- the point I think I'm trying to make is, I wish I was better at snapping myself out of emotional moods, bad ones perhaps specifically and maybe even solely- although having a self provided, if external catalyst of music or fun knitwear can't be too disastorous or destructive. It is hard for the hyper-emotional (I assume by generalisation and extension of myself, anyway) to contain an emotional onslaught from pervading all areas of their day- I suppose I've realised the flaws or benefits of this just recently, when you meet someone who functions in an entirely considered and calculated manner, and who seems to be able to rationalise feelings- two concepts I had previously thought were oxymoronic...

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